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Why I am here

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former member default image - bird flying away

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I have always been attracted to big girls. Throughout my life I have been teased and ridiculed over this fact. I am not in the least a closet Chubby chaser. I am proud and honest when I say that I find big girls very sexy. I have been on several FA/BBW blog sites expressing my infatuation with big girls. There are many things about a big girl that you won't find on these "average" looking women. One of the things I find most attractive are dimples when they smile. And, nothing is sexier than a big girl with amazing confidence on who she is. Which brings me to why I am here.

Just over 14 years ago, I meet an amazing girl. She was bubbly, chubby, and super sexy. After several attempts of trying to get her to just give me a chance at romance, we finally went out. I completely admired the fact that when we ordered dinner, she didn't order just a salad. She was proud to be fat and didn't care what anyone thought. Now, lets fast forward 12 years, the girl I fell in love with isn't the same. She stopped believing when I said she was beautiful just the way she is and after all these years, I still find her irresistible. She was no longer happy with herself and had Gastric Bypass. I know she is still the same person, but it wasn't just her weight that changed. Her attitude has changed. I do still love her, but it's getting harder and harder to tell her she's beautiful when she thinks I'm just saying that. She stopped believing.

I am not here to find a s----l partner or a one night fling. I am married and at this time plan on staying that way. What I am looking for is a caring woman that is in the same situation, weather it be neglected or just "lost that spark", and is willing to have a outlet with someone else. I am a very emotional passionate guy, sometimes way too emotional. I am a total hopeless romantic with an insatiable desire to please people. All I really need is to be able to make someone extremely happy and feel like they are the sexiest woman in the world; and in return, just let me hear a "Thank you, you make me feel good."

If this site was not intended for attached men to find a special someone to share intimate conversations, then I do apologize for being here. And please, by all means, let me know and I will remove my profile. However, if this situation is acceptable, I am glad you have this resource available, not just for the women, but for the men out there who love big beautiful woman and feel the need to express their deep down passions that can only come from knowing that big girls can love you back too.

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